Synchrony and variability induced by spatially correlated additive and multiplicative noise in the coupled Langevin model.

The synchrony and variability of the coupled Langevin model subjected to spatially correlated additive and multiplicative noise are discussed. We have employed numerical simulations and the analytical augmented-moment method, which is the second-order moment method for local and global variables [H. Hasegawa, Phys. Rev. E 67, 041903 (2003)]. It has been shown that the synchrony of an ensemble is increased (decreased) by a positive (negative) spatial correlation in both additive and multiplicative noise. Although the variability for local fluctuations is almost insensitive to spatial correlations, that for global fluctuations is increased (decreased) by positive (negative) correlations. When a pulse input is applied, the synchrony is increased for the correlated multiplicative noise, whereas it may be decreased for correlated additive noise coexisting with uncorrelated multiplicative noise. An application of our study to neuron ensembles has demonstrated the possibility that information is conveyed by the variance and synchrony in input signals, which accounts for some neuronal experiments.

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