Inclusive Green Growth in Africa: Ethiopia Case Study

With the announcement of the new sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in March 2016, many countries start to adopt a new development strategies focus on what is called Inclusive Green Growth. This term was first used in the UN Rio+20 conferences, in attempt to merge the interest of the world in green growth as well as in inclusive growth. The World Bank defines Inclusive Green Growth as “the economics of Sustainable Development”. Ethiopia is one of the first countries in Africa to develop a green inclusive growth strategy. Ethiopia’s leadership, and its early attempts through greening its economy to achieve more inclusive growth, are of real interest for a world in which alternative growth models for long-term sustainable development and social equity have rapidly become a priority in government, business and civil society. This paper aimed to clarify the meaning of the concept of Inclusive Green Growth (IGG) as a new pathway to achieve sustainable growth, and methods of measuring it applied on Ethiopia as a case study.