Computer technology for textiles and apparel

Part 1 Computer-based technology for textile materials: Digital technology for yarn structure and appearance analysis Digital-based technology for fabric structure analysis Computer vision-based fabric defect analysis and measurement. Part 2 Modelling and simulation of textiles and garments: Key techniques for 3D garment design Modelling and simulation of fibrous yarn materials Digital technology and modelling for fabric structures Modelling ballistic impact on textile materials Modelling and simulation techniques for garments. Part 3 Computer-based technology for apparel: Human interaction with computers and its use in the textile apparel industry 3D body scanning: generation Y body perception and virtual visualization Computer technology from a textile designer's perspective Digital printing technology for textiles and apparel Approaches to teaching computer-aided design (CAD) to fashion and textiles students Three-dimensional (3D) technologies for apparel and textile design Integrated digital processes for design and development of apparel.