Innovation and Automation
Human and machines I: flexible control automation, useful automation and information provision, automation and dynamic training, adaptable technology for leaders, summary, approach for using this book. Part A Competitiveness, innovation and creativity - innovation and competitiveness: definitions, innovation and theories of competition, technological innovation and competitiveness, knowledge, competencies, innovation and competitiveness, national innovation systems, competitiveness from other factors related to innovation, competitiveness, innovation, management and structure, summary innovation issues and processes: beyond definitions, radical versus incremental innovation, technological and non-technological innovation, continuous improvement versus innovation, other innovation issues, innovation models and processes, innovation processes for the individual, summary creativity issues and attributes: approaches and definitions, self report and the 'genius' approach, creativity issues, environment attributes, temporal attributes, knowledge attributes, combining creativeness, summary creativity and ritual in organisations: creativity in organisations, the creativity of everyone, creativity in organisational groups, the threat from creativity, ritual, ritual in organisations, background factors in organisational rituals, summary. Part B Automation - technology-centred and human-centred automation: definitions, types of shared automation, technology-centred automation, human-centred automation, summary humans and machines II: automated vigilance control, human flexibility versus machine flexibility, faultless machines and disasters, focal automation and displaced consequence, summary current automation consequences: situation awareness, complacency and miscommunication, odds and ends, summary sharing with machines: levels of automation and types of sharing, current sharing is satisfactory, current sharing is unsatisfactory, some uncertainties about human machine sharing, collective disquiet about current sharing with machines, sharing with machines - a background, summary. Part C Sharing automation and innovative behaviour - current technology, creativity and rituals: routine and non-routine human-machine interactions, technology-centred automation and creativity, current automation, roles and rituals, technology, rituals and other contributing factors, current antidotes to technology related rituals, summary a new approach to human-machine sharing: the sharing process between humans, sharing purpose, trust, understanding and using differences, feedback, sharing-centred automation as an automation philosophy sharing-centred automation and innovation. (Part contents).