Brouwer's intuitionism

The Brouwer Bibliography. Publications. Unpublished Papers. Brouwer, Life and Work. Childhood and Student Years. Post-Graduate Study. Life, Art and Mysticism. The Foundations of Mathematics. Towards an Academic Career. Intuitionism and Formalism. The Signific Interlude. The Second Act of Intuitionism. The Turbulent Years. The Brouwer Logic. The Reconstruction of Analysis. The Unfinished Books. The Brouwer-Hilbert Controversy and the Annalen Affair. The Silent Years. Post-War Lectures and Final Years. Brouwer's Philosophy. Introduction. Character and Early Background. Philosophy, Metaphysics and Ideology. Mysticism. God and the Moral Principle. Kant and the French Intuitionist Tradition. French Mathematical Intuitionism. The Self, Consciousness and Mind. Causal Attention, Will and Cunning Activity. The Phase of Social Acting and Language. Brouwer's Philosophy of Mathematics. The Primordial Intuition of Time. Intuitive Thinking and Mathematics. The Nature of Mathematics. Reflection on the Nature of Mathematics. Constructiveness and Existence. The Subject and the Intersubjectivity of Mathematics. The Application of Mathematics. Language and Logic. Society and Communication. The Purpose and Origin of Language. Language and Pure Thought. The Programme of Reform. Brouwerian Semantic Theory. Brouwer's Analysis of Mathematical and Linguistic Activity. Brouwer's Analysis of Logic. Brouwer Negation. The Refutation of the PEM. Logical Negotiation and `Brouwer Logic'. The Crisis in Brouwer's Intuitionism. The Formalization of Mathematics. Brouwer's Intuitionist Mathematics. Brouwerian Separable Mathematics. The Brouwer Mathematical Continuum. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.