VALAB: expert system for validation of biochemical data.

In large laboratories that use "high-throughput" equipment, it is now possible to use artificial intelligence techniques to aid decision making and validation of data. This paper describes an artificial intelligence project, VALAB, that has been carried out in our laboratory. VALAB, an expert system that permits real-time validation of data, is designed to be equivalent to validation by the laboratory director. The decision produced by the expert system is based on several factors, including correlation between repeated laboratory results, physiological association between different variables, the hospital department from which the test was ordered, and the patient's age and sex. In 200 abnormal chemistry profiles randomly selected, VALAB's ability to detect abnormal cases (i.e., sensitivity = 0.75) was exceeded by only one of seven laboratory experts. However, all seven experts outperformed VALAB's measured specificity of 0.63. The VALAB system incorporates greater than 4000 rules. Operational since November 1988, it has validated greater than 50,000 medical patients' reports in real time.