Chinese Restaurant Game - Part II: Applications to Wireless Networking, Cloud Computing, and Online Social Networking

In Part I of this two-part paper [1], we proposed a new game, called Chinese restaurant game, to analyze the social learning problem with negative network externality. The best responses of agents in the Chinese restaurant game with imperfect signals are constructed through a recursive method, and the influence of both learning and network externality on the uti lities of agents is studied. In Part II of this two-part paper, we illustrate three applications of Ch inese restaurant game in wireless networking, cloud computing, and online social networking. For each application, we formulate the corresponding problem as a Chinese restaurant game and analyze how agents learn and make strategic decisions in the problem. The proposed method is compared with four common-sense methods in terms of agents’ utilities and the overall system performance through simulations. We find that the proposed Chinese restaurant game theoretic approach indeed helps agents make better decisions and improves the overall system performance. Furthermore, agents with different decision orders have different advantages in terms of their utilities, which also verifies the conclusions drawn i n Part I of this two-part paper.