Book Review Editor's Message

from Paul de Palma, whom I've known (in the virtual sense) for a few years now. I hope to continue the book review section as a forum where some of the many books that appear under the general purview of Computers and Society can be explored. I will be soliciting new books for review from various publishers, and as these become available, posting the books for review on my website (see URL at right). Readers are also encouraged to suggest other book titles for review (by themselves or by other C&S readers). Given the sheer increase in books concerning the social, policy and ethical aspects of computing, we will only be able to review a few each month. This month I am pleased to offer you three reviews: Tom Elyse reviews The Gordian Knot: Political Gridlock on the InJ~rmation Highway, by Russell Neuman, Lee McKnight and Richard Jay Soloman. Ronan Kennedy reviews Richard Simon's Models of my Li]9 and ACM's collection, Beyond Calculation: The Next Foqy Dars of Computing. Enjoy! Book Review Editor's Message