Design for novel M.R.F. semiactive damper and certification of the nonlinear controllers effects

Intrciluction -active dampers in ?ins is an,effective method for improvir$ the "Ride Comfort". However, a cabin wth such ,kmd of act!ve dampers sometimes moves waywardly by the achve force of pneumatic or hydraulic actuators once their contmller fah. In addition, they require much space for,tanks and compressors, under the cabin's bdtom. This paper introduces a novel semiactive damper whxh is com osed of a c linder injected with Ma netic Rheological , F1uidw.R.F.) and an &controlled e lke tmmpt . Generally, M5.F. has the very interesting property that the viscosity can be easily changed by the outside mafletic field. Additionally, the damping coeflkient of the system is absolutely pogtive even if the control signals for changi the viscosity fail. Therefore a cabin with this kind of semiactive damper wiU move sta%y at an,: time and a comfottable ride will be expected. In the fanner paper[ll. a method for deslgnmg nonlinear Hc9npolleFs of an M.R.F. ,&active damper was proposed and,the efficacy was tested by -tal simulations. In this study first an expenmental device is made and whether the damping property is changeable'or not for the outside magnetic field is checked ,Second, .a suitable nonlinear H" controller is designated and installed to the devlce. Finally vmous advantages of the proposed damper are confirmed by many digital simulations and vibration expenments. the device are written hy