Soil fertility assessment at agricultural experimental stations in Chaouia, Abda and Doukkala.

Levels of so i l fer t i l i ty whether def ic ient or in excess are important character is t ics in f ie ld exper imentat ion, As nutr ient levels tend to increase in soi ls at exper iment s tat ions due to cont i nuous fer t i l izer use, per iodic assessment is necessary in order to val id ly ext rapolate research f ind ings to farmers. This s tudy surveyed the status of organic mat ter , major nutr ients (NOa, p, K) . micronutr ients (Fe, Zn, Mni Cu) and in some cases, sa l in i ty l 'a t f ive exper iment s tat ions in the semi-ar id ra infed area of Morocco : AIn N'Zagh, Sid i E l Aydi , Jemaa Shaim, Khemis Zenrarnra and Monnin Lucien. whi le data var ied wi th in and between stat ions, the main fea tu res we re h igh No , Leve rs a t S id i E rAyd i and h igh p reve rs a t a r l s tat ions. This was main ly due to fer t i l izat ion. so i i t< levels were natura l ly h igh. At some stat ions Fe and Zn levels were marginal . The survey has impl icat ions for adminis t rators as wel l as sc ient is ts involved in exper iment s tat ion use.