Algebraic and Proof-theoretic Aspects of Non-classical Logics, Papers in Honor of Daniele Mundici on the Occasion of His 60th birthday

Many-Valued Non-deterministic Semantics for First-Order Logics of Formal (In)consistency.- Note on Conditional Constructivity.- Symmetric MV-Algebras.- Implicit Operations in MV-Algebras and the Connectives of ?ukasiewicz Logic.- The Algebras of ?ukasiewicz Many-Valued Logic: A Historical Overview.- Reversibility and Irreversibility in Quantum Computation and in Quantum Computational Logics.- Cantor-Bernstein Property for MV-Algebras.- A Note on Representing and Interpreting MV-Algebras.- Towards the Generalization of Mundici's ? Functor to IMTL Algebras: The Linearly Ordered Case.- Verification by Parallelization of Parametric Code.- Finitely Presented Abelian Lattice-Ordered Groups.- On Fuzzy Theories with Crisp Sentences.- Proof Transformations and Structural Invariance.- Renyi-Ulam Game Semantics for Product Logic and for the Logic of Cancellative Hoops.- Notes on Strong Completeness in ?ukasiewicz, Product and BL Logics and in Their First-Order Extensions.- The Automorphism Group of Falsum-Free Product Logic.- Probability Theory on IF Events.