Content validation of an instrument to characterize people over 50 years of age living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Objective: To present the development and validation of an instrument for characterizing people, aged 50 or over, who are carriers of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Methods: The content of the instrument, which was developed based on consulted literature and the professional experience of the researchers, was validated by seven experts. The validation was performed in two stages of evaluation, using the Kendall coefficient of concordance to evaluate, the first time, concordance among experts with regard to relevance, clarity, and completeness of content, and secondly, the adequacy and comprehensiveness. The Cochran test was used to evaluate the concordance regarding clarity, in the second evaluation. Results: There was disagreement among the experts in the first evaluation, and after reformulation of the instrument, concordance was obtained in the second evaluation. Conclusion: The instrument for characterizing this population was validated against the content being used by researchers, and is now made available for use.

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