Raw data for 'Whispering Gallery Mode Resonances from Ge Micro-Disks on Suspended Beams'. Published and copyrighted by Frontiers in materials.

This dataset contains the raw data for Ge micro-disks fabricated on free-standing SiO2 beams. Summary of this dataset in the form of figures were published in Frontiers in Materials. Citation: Al-attili AZ, Kako S, Husain M, Gardes F, Higashitarumizu N, Iwamoto S, Arakawa Y, Ishikawa Y, Arimoto H, Oda K, Ido T and Saito S(2015) Whispering Gallery Mode Resonances from Ge Micro-Disks on Suspended Beams. Front. Mater. 2:43. doi:10.3389/fmats.2015.00043Funded by Funding Program for World-Leading Innovation R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science The Project for Developing Innovation Systems, and Kakenhi (216860312). Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan (MEXT)