Improving Problem-solving Skills of Undergraduates Through Computerized Dynamic Assessment☆

A computer-based dynamic assessment (DA) system developed for use in an undergraduate fluid mechanics course is presented. Data collected before and after implementation of this DA indicate significant improvement in student performance after implementation. Student performance is quantified by the % of questions correctly answered in the nationally normed Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam relative to the National average. Since implementation of the DA system, this measure for our students has increased from below National level (mean = 0.942; standard deviation, sd = 0.068) to above National level (mean = 1.04; sd = 0.06). For the same population, performance in fluid mechanics has been higher than that in the other subjects where DA was not used (mean = 1.068; sd = 0.028 vs. mean = 0.837; sd = 0.04). Performance of our students in fluid mechanics has exceeded that of their peers in the top tier programs in the U.S. (mean = 1.068; sd = 0.028 vs. mean = 1.031; sd = 0.03).