Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to nuclear applications.

Detailed analysis of a quarter channel was performed using VIPRE and CFX. Results show that VIPRE and CFX agree closely in both cross-sectionally averaged axial temperature and cross-sectionally averaged axial velocity profiles. Detailed temperature distributions in the radial direction over 1mm from the clad surface towards the center of the channel were calculated using CFX, showing significant local variation. This information can be used for example, to determine if this temperature will lead to bubble nucleation. Quarter subassembly calculations were made with both VIPRE and STAR-CD. Comparison between the solutions show that the two codes yield very similar solutions under comparable conditions. However, the STAR-CD CFD calculation provides the analyst with much more detailed flow and temperature distributions than can be predicted by a one-dimensional code such as VIPRE. In addition, a 60 million cell one-eighth reactor core calculation was made using STAR-CD. This analysis showed the importance of accurately predicting the flow and temperature fields in all assemblies simultaneously with modern parallel processing technology, practical turnaround for these types of calculation can be obtained.