Web Service Composition Based on BPWS-Net

Web Service is a more efficient and economical framework for distributed computing. However, it’s an important challenge to integrate Web Services provided by different enterprises or organizations into a new value-added Web Service. BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) is such a procedure language for Web Service composition. An approach to model BPEL4WS described process based on a kind of Service-Oriented Petri Net, BPWS-net, is proposed in this paper. Both the basic activities and structured activities of BPEL4WS are discussed using BPWS-Net. By means of this approach, not only the formal semantics of Web Service and its composition can be definitely described, but also the control flow of BPEL4WS process can be graphically modeled. Furthermore, this approach can be used to validate the correctness or soundness of Web Service composition.