The status of the p53 gene in human papilloma virus positive or negative cervical carcinoma cell lines.

We have analyzed p53 gene alterations in five cervical cancer derived cell lines. Two of the five cervical cancer cell lines, HTB31 (C-33A) and 32 (HT-3), harbored missense mutations in codons 273 and 245 respectively, whereas the other three tumor cell lines, HTB33 (ME180), 34 (MS751) and 35 (SIHA), did not reveal any mutation in the p53 coding sequence spanning codons 126-307. Although all the tumor cell lines express comparable levels of p53 RNA, only HTB31 and HTB32 contain high or detectable levels respectively of p53 protein. The other three tumor cell lines, where neither p53 mutation nor the expression of p53 protein could be detected, were found to harbor human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 or 18. The inactivation of the wild-type p53 function resulting from a missense mutation, or the lack of detectable wild-type p53 protein due to the translational/post-translational deregulation of p53 protein levels may be the contributing factor in the tumorigenicity of these five cases of cervical cancer. The lack of detectable p53 protein in HTB33, 34 and 35 associates with the presence of either HPV16 or -18 in these cell lines.