Overview of the DEMO Design-Staged Approach in Europe
Ñ. | F. | R. | T. Franke | G. Pintsuk | J. You | A. Loving | M. Tran | W. Biel | C. Day | B. Mészáros | J. Morris | G. Federici | L. Boccaccini | E. Diegele | C. Bachmann | C. Vorpahl | V. Corato | C. Gliss | S. Ciattaglia | F. Maviglia | C. Bustreo | M. Siccinio | C. Baylard | T. Haertl | H. Walden | L. Barucca | Cismondi | J. Holden | G. Keech | Kembleton | I. Moscato | Taylor | F.
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[13] F. Maviglia,et al. Tritium breeding performance of a DEMO based on the Double Null divertor configuration , 2018, Fusion Engineering and Design.
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