Design aspects and permeability testing of natural clay and sand-ben tonite liners
A methodology has been developed to evaluate the permeability performance of natural clay and sand-bentonite liners using undisturbed field samples of the actual liner. The tools necessary to apply it to the design and inspection of new liners are described. Test results are presented and the influence of the testing procedures is described. The overall performance of liner systems are only partially characterized by their permeability. Other factors, including physico-chemical processes, are equally or even more important, and have to be considered in the design phase. To demonstrate this simulation results on contaminant transport taking geochemical reactions into account as well as some results of leachate compatibility testing of a sandbentonite liner are presented. Une methodologie a ete developpee pour evaluer les performances en permeabilite des revetements d'argile naturelle et de sable/bentonite en utilisant des echantillons de chantier du revetement meme. L'article decrit les instruments necessa...