Estimation of eddy viscosity on the South China Sea shelf with adjoint assimilation method

The eddy viscosity of the ocean is an important parameter indicating the small-scale mixing process in the oceanic interior water column. Ekman wind-driven current model and adjoint assimilation technique are used to calculate the vertical profiles of eddy viscosity by fitting model results to the observation data. The data used in the paper include observed wind data and ADCP data obtained at Wenchang Oil Rig on the SCS (the South China Sea) shelf in August 2002. Different simulations under different wind conditions are analyzed to explore how the eddy viscosity develops with varying wind field. The results show that the eddy viscosity endured gradual variations in the range of 10-3 –10-2 m 2 /s during the periods of wind changes. The mean eddy viscosity undergoing strong wind could rise by about 25% as compared to the value under weak wind.