Pest Control Effect and Optimal dose by Pesticide Dispersion Spray Method in the Paprika Cultivation

Abstract We studied on pesticide residue and pest control effect when using various types of sprayers onpaprika cultivation. Additionally, a test was conducted to optimize chemical content per unit area in conditionof optimum pest control. Two types of sprayer were tested (three times) on paprika cultivation which wasdivided into seven sections. Blind spots were also examined using a water sensitive paper when sprayingchemical pesticide, remote controlled sprayer were confirmed to be not effective in terms of its sprayingcapacity. However, a U-shaped sprayer was confirmed that it sprayed enough on all the parts of a plant ingreen house including the blind spots. Additionally, it does not exceed the minimum residue limits on the allparts of pesticides residue conditions. When using remote controlled sprayer, water sensitive paper werechanged to blue color (82.5% and 81.2%) in terms of controlling Bemisia tabaci and Aphis gossypii based onthe two spraying manners. 53.0% and 42.6% of control effect were shown on the fair parts of the plants.However, on the poor parts on which pesticides were not well-sprayed, thus, not-remained, more number ofpests increased. Meanwhile, on farming that only one type of pesticide has been used, resistance pests presentwith very low control effect, even though sufficient amount of pesticide was well-sprayed. On the test of theoptimum amount of spraying per a unit area, which shows no differences in the two cases of using 5L and2.5L of chemical pesticides on 9 plants of paprika that has 81.8% and 84.5% control effect, respectively. Key words paprika cultivation, water-sensitive paper (WSP), remote controlled sprayer, U-shaped sprayer, resistance