Mare basalt types on the front side of the moon - A summary of spectral reflectance data

A unit map of nearside basalt types has been prepared from all telescopic spectral reflectance data currently available for lunar soils. Four parameters were chosen (UV/VIS ratio, albedo, 1 micron band strength, 2 micron band strength) to distinguish and map each of 13 mare basalt types and three additional volcanic groups. Multispectral imagery and albedo maps were used to define unit boundaries while spectra were used to examine the 1 and 2 micron bands and calibrate and quantify the multispectral images. Although the volume of each basalt type is not known, it is clear from the unit map that only 1/3 to 1/2 of the surface basalt types are likely to be represented in the returned lunar samples. For mature lunar soils a single parameter alone does not provide chemical information, but when the four are used together, TiO2 and in some cases FeO can be estimated. Further study of the mineralogy of unsampled lunar basalts requires precise spectra to 2.5 microns with higher spectra and spatial resolution.