USAF single event sonic boom prediction model: PCBOOM
The United States Air Force is required to analyze the environmental impact from sonic booms produced by supersonic maneuvering aircraft. To meet this need, a single event prediction model PCBOOM3 has been developed. This model uses full ray tracing propagation theory and includes the effects of aircraft maneuvers, non‐standard atmospheric profiles, and winds. Calculations include focused superbooms when they occur. Input parameters are flexible to allow general supersonic maneuvers. The program accepts user‐defined F functions, and has F functions built in for current USAF aircraft. The model predicts the location and waveforms of sonic booms on the ground. Predicted sonic boom footprints are in the form of contours (psf, CSEL, etc.) and isopemps, or as tabular values at specific points. Signature output is provided in either graphical or tabular format for arbitrary points within the footprint. This program will enhance the ability to predict sonic booms for operational planning or for incident investigation. It will also be used as a research tool to investigate sonic boom generation and propagation. [Work supported by USAF AL/OEBN.]