Tensile Stress-Strain Curves Modeling of Four Kinds of Solders with Temperature and Rate Dependence

A series of tensile tests at constant strain rate were conducted on tin-lead based solders with different Sn content under wide ranges of temperatures and strain rates. It was shown that the stress-strain relationships had strong temperature- and strain rate- dependence. The parameters of Anand model for four solders were determined. The four solders were 60Sn-40Pb, 40Sn-60Pb, 10Sn-90Pb and 5Sn-95Pb. Anand constitutive model was employed to simulate the stress-strain behaviors of the solders for the temperature range from 313K to 398K and the strain rate range from 0.001%sP -1 P to 2%sP -1 P. The results showed that Anand model can adequately predict the rate- and temperature- related constitutive behaviors at all test temperatures and strain rates.