Modelling and design of flexible manufacturing systems

1. Introduction. A review of FMS planning models (A.J. van Looveren et al.). The evolution of robotics in manufacturing (J.F. Bard). 2. Materials Handling Systems. Materials handling and logistics: demands for efficiency and flexibility (W. Grosseschallau). Autonomous material handling in computer-integrated manufacturing (C.G. Cassandras). Parts and tools handling systems (A. Kusiak). Robot system hazard assessment using event trees (R.H. Jones et al.). 3. Strategic Planning. The TESPA-concept of FMS (A.M. Huska). Perspectives on flexibility in manufacturing: hardware vs. software (J. Blackburn, R. Millen). Technical advances and competitive position: gaining a strategic edge from automated batch production (C.A. Lengnick-Hall, D.C. King). Manufacturing-marketing strategic interface: the impact of FMSs (G.H.G. McDougall, H.A. Noori). 4. Production and Process Planning. Towards a hierarchical structure for production planning and control in FMSs (A. Villa, S. Rossetto). Production scheduling and materials requirements planning for flexible manufacturing (C. White). Computer-aided technological process planning: methods, systems and application experiences (I. Cser, T. Toth). 5. System Design. Modeling a system of flexible manufacturing cells (Y. Dallery, D.D. Yao). Analysis of an FMS design problem by power approximation (H. Wang). 6. Information and Decision Support Systems. FMSs: an information systems framework (S.I. Ahmad, B. Farah). Decision support requirements for production planning in FMS environments (A. Dutta). 7. Expert Systems. Knowledge based control system for automated production and assembly (D. Ben-Arieh). Applications of decision support and expert systems in FMSs (E. Turban, M. Sepehri). 8. Petri Nets. Petri Nets for specification of FMSs (J. Martinez et al.). 9. FMS Applications. FMS applications in Germany: objectives and constraints (H.J. Warnecke et al.). Author Index.