Iterated Search Problems and Blockchain Security under Falsifiable Assumptions

We put forth a new class of search problems, iterated search problems (ISP), and study their relation to the design of secure blockchain protocols. We prove that (i) the Bitcoin blockchain protocol implies a hard ISP problem, but ISP hardness is not by itself su cient to prove its security, and (ii) a suitably enhanced class of ISPs is su cient to imply, via construction, a secure blockchain protocol in the common reference string (CRS) model. We then put forth a speci c proposal for an enhanced ISP based on an underlying cryptographic hash function. The resulting blockchain protocol's security reduces to the ISP hardness of the hash-based scheme and to a computational randomness extraction property of the hash function. As a corollary, we obtain a blockchain protocol secure in the standard model under falsi able assumptions; in contrast, all previous blockchain protocols were shown secure in the random oracle model. *Research partly supported by EU Project No.780477, PRIVILEDGE.

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