Vega launch vehicle options to serve different satellites markets

The aim of this paper is to present different launch vehicle options in order to serve a wide range of satellites markets. These options are achieved through different vehicle architectures that can be synthesized by the following points: ; VEGA baseline configuration capable to serve mainly EO satellites on different mass ranges and arrangements; according to current performance capability we address payloads ranging from few kilograms up to 2 tons in LEO ; VEGA consolidation (VEGA-E1) with improved stages and associated technologies, this configuration allows a 2.4 tons in LEO payload ; VEGA evolution improved (VEGA-E2) could be capable to put 3.1 tons payload in LEO with 3 m fairing size ; VEGA evolution with an advanced propulsion module could serve ISS as well as high altitude missions; this version will be equipped with a debris mitigation system representing a breakthrough in launch vehicle operations. This vehicle constitute also a very low cost solar planets exploration system. For each vehicle a technology summary, a performance map and a mission profile will be shown. Launch vehicle design drivers for every option are the same that made VEGA baseline a mission success development programme, which are: LV launch service cost, customer & payload comfort, mission flexibility and the commonality with the Ariane family. Regarding the last point, the complementary with respect to existing family fleet (Soyuz and Ariane) has been considered in order to make the best possible synergy among launch systems, also completing the European launch capability. It is worth to note that VEGA launchers will be capable to serve both consolidated and emerging satellite markets. In particular, a service market-matrix showing benefits for citizens worldwide will be shown and explicated, also taking into consideration the contribution to the global space value chain (i.e. impacts on everyday life, human activities monitoring, natural disaster mitigation and so on). Finally a roadmap to address future developments will be proposed and an overall operational scenario will be presented.