유량과 수질을 연계한 실시간 인공지능 경보시스템 개발 (II) 경보시스템 구축

The judgement model to warn of possible pollution accident is constructed by multi-perceptron, multi layer neural network, neuro-fuzzy and it is trained stability, notice, and warming situation due to developed standard axis. The water quality forecasting model is linked to the runoff forecasting model, and joined with the judgement model to warn of possible pollution accident, which completes the artificial intelligence warning system. And GUI (Graphic User Interface) has been designed for that system. GUI screens, in order of process, are main page, data edit, discharge forecasting, water quality forecasting, warming system. The application capability of the system was estimated by the pollution accident scenario. Estimation results verify that the artificial intelligence warning system can be a reasonable judgement of the noized water pollution data.ޘヨ⨀ᔌ搀؀㘲㌮㠻Ԁ䭃䑎䷗᜖෺6㈳⸸ㄻԀ䭃䑎䶿੿6〰㬅K䍄乍ꨗᔌ븀؀㔵ㄮ㐶Ԁ䭃䑎䴀