Focusing Nonparallel-Track Bistatic SAR Data Using Modified Frequency Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling

Unsynchronization of the separate transmit–receive beams makes it a challenging task to obtain high-quality images for nonparallel-track bistatic synthetic aperture radar (NP-BiSAR). To accommodate this issue, we propose an imaging configuration where the receiver’s beam follows the transmitter’s one actively by adjusting the squint angle of receiver. And a frequency extended nonlinear chirp scaling (FENLCS) algorithm is modified to cope with new effects introduced by the innovative configuration, which is based on an improved quadratic ellipse model. Based on the new model, some innovative improvements on image formation are made, including a residual azimuth-dependent high-order range cell migration correction (ADH-RCMC) and a rederived FENLCS that takes highly varying Doppler centroid into consideration, which contribute to better imaging quality. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed configuration and algorithm.