Sustaining India's Growth Miracle

List of Acronyms Editors' AcknowledgmentsIntroduction, by Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Charles W. Calomiris1. Transforming India, by Arvind PanagariyaComment: Barry Bosworth, Mihir A. Desai2. Unfinished Reform Agendum: Fiscal Consolidation and Reforms, by T. N. SrinivasanComment: M. Govinda Rao3. Reforming the Indian Electricity Supply Industry, by Frank A. WolakComment: Jessica Wallack4. The Indian Software Industry and Its Prospects, by Ashish AroraComment: Frank Levy5. India: Past, Present, and Future, discussion by Jagdish Bhagwati, Ambassador Ronen Sen, Arun Shourie, and former U.S. ambassador Frank Wisner. Moderator: Arvind Panagariya6. India: An Emerging Giant, by the Honorable Kamal NathContributorsIndex