도로선형 설계일관성 통합평가방법론을 활용한 안전성 평가

PURPOSES: Road Design Consistency Evaluation can guarantee road alignments with safety factors, however it can be hard work to deal with general car accident factors in only this evaluation index. Ideal Road Design Consistency Evaluation is show the mutual balance of road alignment and human factors with a variety of factors for road safety. METHODS : This study carried out overall road safety evaluations which are methods of running speeding consistency and car platoon safety analysis (driver"s behaviors factors) as well. RESULTS: Out of 13 sections in a experimental road layout, safety factors of 8 sections showed‘ Good’or‘ Fair’status. However,‘ Poor’ results were found out in 5 sections. Particularly, it showed the different outcomes among the 4 evaluation methods used in this study. CONCLUSIONS: Road safety countermeasures were proposed for the potentially dangerous sections in road which failed to identify in the other methods. This study will contribute toward future study of more reliable Road Design Consistency Evaluation in the future for road safety.