건설지식정보의 유효성 검증 및 관리 모델에 관한 연구

The term construction knowledge can be defined as a product of information consisting of experience and skills generated in the final outcomes of the project or project-based process. In general, the life-cycle of construction knowledge is creation, store, share, and leverage which later leads to recycling or disposal. The cycle formed through the circulation of construction knowledge with recycling, the life of the knowledge eventually increases the amount of information by leveraging available knowledge. As a result, that can also lead to a qualitative improvement in the level of the knowledge. Thus it is necessary to implement effective and systematic knowledge management in order to be recycled instead of being disposed of construction knowledge. However, construction knowledge and skills are disappearing or being inefficiently managed, and studies on this are also lacking. Since most construction knowledge is experience-oriented, the need to be verified and corrected its validity is necessary considering the production and accumulation of spent time, money, effort, etc. This study proposes a conceptual model for knowledge management to support the validation and modification of construction knowledge in accordance with law changes, regulation and standards to evaluate the usefulness of the model by applying appropriate cases. This increases the service life of construction knowledge, eventually leading to knowledge reproduction or significant academic creation. Also, construction knowledge can modified in real time and be provided to customers in a timely manner.