A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Assessing Materiality

Auditors may encounter misstatements during the course of an audit, each of which requires a binary materiality assessment. We propose a fuzzy expert system approach that assesses materiality as a continuous characteristic by allowing a misstatement to possess a degree of materiality between 0 and 1. This potentially allows the auditor more flexibility and precision in materiality assessment, and greater insight regarding subsequent testing and investigation. We demonstrate that a fuzzy expert system can help the auditor incorporate qualitative factors into the materiality assessment of each misstatement and identify which misstatements are most worthy of further investigation. The auditor may compare the materiality assessments of all misstatements to plan an audit strategy. By providing a formal model structure, the fuzzy expert system formalizes and documents the materiality assessment process. This may facilitate better communication within the audit team and with the client, and enhances process cons...