De-Centralized Load Balancing for the Computational Grid environment

One of the challenging issues in Computational Grid is performing Decentralized Load Balancing. This paper proposed a new load balancing algorithm which will appears in the meta-scheduler. In many approaches load balancing is done only at the local scheduler level, which is applicable to small application and leads to more communication overhead between the nodes. For the large scale application load balancing at the local scheduler level will not provide the feasible solution. So the novel load balancing algorithm is proposed, which provides the decentralized load balancing in both meta-scheduler and cluster or resource level. The triggering policy is used to initiate the load balancing algorithm, which determines the appropriate time period to start the load balancing operation using the boundary value and threshold value approach. These approaches increase the performance in the large scale application by migrating the job from the overloaded resource to the least loaded resource in-order to reduce the waiting time of job and to maximize the utilization of the resources which are idle or least loaded.