The Role of Verification and Validation in the Design Process of Knowledge Based Components of Air Traffic Control Systems

The following paper relates how verification and validation problems are taken into account throughout a cognitive engineering project in air traffic control, the Erato project. The aim of Erato is to specify, design, and evaluate the computer components of a complex man-machine system, the air traffic control system, so as to optimize the global productivity of this joint system. Demands on air traffic are rapidly increasing, while the present ATC system is already overloaded. Within the next 20 or 30 years we cannot expect a fully automated ATC system, so that air traffic controllers will necessarily remain a major element in the control system. Thus we have to imagine specific means of allowing them to face this short to middle term situation. These tools will enhance the global performance of the ATC system by significantly increasing its capacity and by improving both safety and quality of control decision. They will enable a safe, expeditious and efficient operation of more aircraft than now, while better serving user requests. It is now obvious that the capability to build more powerful machines does not in itself guarantee effective performance of the joint man-machine system. The central question is then how to “couple” human intelligence and machine power in a single integrated system that maximizes overall performance. So we are not concerned only with the validation of these computer components, but also with the verification of the joint man-machine system.