This paper studies the design of a set of outgoing radar signals to discriminate between two target classes. We model the reflectivity function of each target by a two-dimensional stochastic process to account for uncertainties and propagation effects. The signals are selected to minimize the expected number of transmissions that are needed to guarantee a given confidence level in the classification decision. We argue that this goal can be achieved by selecting the signals that maximize the Kullback-Liebler information number between the two target classes. We illustrate our approach with a particular model. We show that for this model, the optimal set of waveforms can be designed off-line and depends on both the statistics of the reflectivity functions of the targets in both classes and the observation noise level.
David Middleton,et al.
Optimum sequential detection of signals in noise
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
E. J. Kelly,et al.
Matched-Filter Theory for High-Velocity, Accelerating Targets
IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics.
C. Therrien.
A Sequential Approach to Target Discrimination
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
J. Andel.
Sequential Analysis
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design.
N. F. Ezquerra,et al.
Target Recognition Considerations