Salzmann's Collections of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae) from Bahia, Brazil

Salzmann's specimens of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae) from Bahia, Brazil, are reex- amined, and the application of the names S. rotundifolium and S. salzmannii, based on two of these collections, is clarified. Three new species are recognized among Bahian collections commonly assigned these names and are here described: S. bahiense, S. blanchetii, and S. cavernulosum. Stigmaphyllon irregulare Adr. Juss., misconstrued by Niedenzu, is considered a synonym of S. rotun- difolium. Philip Salzmann (1781-1851), botanist, ento- mologist, physician, and educator, spent the years from 1827 to 1830 in the Brazilian port of Salvador, Bahia (Rose 1853). Among the yellow- flowered Malpighiaceae that he gathered dur- ing his excursions are specimens of Stigmaphyl- lon, a neotropical genus of ca. 100 species, of which ca. 15 occur in Bahia. Salzmann's collec- tions include the distinctive S. ciliatum (Lam.) Adr. Juss. (Salzmann 53, W!; 97, G!; s.n., G!, K!, MO!, P!, W!) and an assemblage in which Adrien de Jussieu (1840) discerned S. rotundifolium Adr. Juss. and S. salzmannii Adr. Juss. Jacques Samuel Blanchet (1807-1875), a businessman and am- ateur naturalist living in Salvador from 1828 until 1856 (Urban 1895), with the help of assis- tants greatly increased the number of Bahian specimens available to European botanists. Few collections from this diverse and highly endem- ic flora were added to Salzmann's and Blan- chet's gathering, until the results of the recent efforts by the collectors from CEPEC (Centro de