Exponential random simplicial complexes

Exponential random graph models have attracted significant research attention over the past decades. These models are maximum-entropy ensembles subject to the constraints that the expected values of a set of graph observables are equal to given values. Here we extend these maximum-entropy ensembles to random simplicial complexes, which are more adequate and versatile constructions to model complex systems in many applications. We show that many random simplicial complex models considered in the literature can be casted as maximum-entropy ensembles under certain constraints. We introduce and analyze the most general random simplicial complex ensemble with statistically independent simplices. Our analysis is simplified by the observation that any distribution on any collection of objects including graphs and simplicial complexes, is maximum-entropy subject to the constraint that the expected value of is equal to the entropy of the distribution. With the help of this observation, we prove that ensemble is maximum-entropy subject to the two types of constraints which fix the expected numbers of simplices and their boundaries.

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