건물외피의 현장 열성능 평가를 위한 가열시스템 개발 ( Development of Diagnostic Equipment for in-situ Thermal Testing of the Exterior Envelopes in Building )

This study is aimed at the development of diagnostic equipment and technique for thermal performance of the exterior envelopes in building. We suggested the practical evaluation method for thermal testing of the exterior envelopes based on the in-situ measurement. This diagnostic system consists of the exterior envelopment heating system(EHS), thermal-vision system, the temperature sensers and heat flux meters. The exterior envelopment heating system(EHS) consists of seven insulated heating panels, and the open side which is contacted with the building envelopes. The silicon rubber heaters(electric heaters) located inside the heating panel are thermostatically controlled so that the surface temperature of the building envelopes is to be constant as set up. Through this study, we provided diagnostic equipment which can be used for the objective and quantitative thermal evaluation of the exterior envelopes, and we expect this equipment could contribute to the improvement of thermal performance of the exterior envelopes.