Modality, mood, and aspect in spoken Arabic : with special reference to Egypt and the Levant

Part 1 Introduction: background style and related matters the verb phrase in brief. Part 2 Modality and mood: "adsententials", "performatives", "sentence adjuncts" tense and mood the several grammatical divisions of modality past tense participle "b"-nonpast "ha"-nonpast "zero"-nonpast (subjunctive) imperative subjunctive catenation verb-like catenative nouns and (active) participal adjectives adverbial clauses indefinite antecedents epistemic and deontic modality possibility/necessity modals passive voice as a modality. Part 3 Aspect (with some further reference to tense): aspect and tense tense-time relativity between copula and following verb sentential distribution of aspectual features aspectual constituency of the verb phrase in brief durative versus non-durative stativity progressivity habituality (and iterativity) gnomic durativity. Appendix: the "ethic(al) dative" catenation.