A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing

Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.

Formica | Gutsche | Fisk | Ivanov | Ivanchenko | Coles | Guan | Pearce | Albrecht | Chapman | Fitzpatrick | Hristov | Belforte | Ferber | Hodgkinson | Gligorov | Laycock | Farrell | Heinrich | Garonne | Gaede | Dimitrov | Franzoni | Hartmann | Crooks | Neubauer | McNab | Hauth | Perdue | Petzold | Geurts | Kuznetsov | Forti | Leggett | Konstantinov | Mitrevski | Gardner | Britton | McKee | Gray | Banerjee | Livny | Atzori | Bhimji | Asai | Mato | Chen | Huang | Linden | Childers | Kagan | Komarov | Amadio | Andronico | Aphecetche | Apostolakis | Babik | Bagliesi | Bandieramonte | Barisits | Bauerdick | Bernius | Bianchi | Bird | Biscarat | Blomer | Bloom | Boccali | Bockelman | Bonacorsi | Boveia | Bozzi | Bracko | Buckley | Buncic | Calafiura | Campaña | Canal | Canali | Castro | Cattaneo | Cerminara | Villanueva | Chang | Clarke | Clemencic | E. Cogneras | Collier | Colling | Corti | Cosmo | Couturier | Cranmer | Cranshaw | Cristella | Currie | Dallmeier ‐ Tiessen | Cian | Roeck | Peris | Dérue | Girolamo | Guida | Doglioni | Dotti | Duellmann | Duflot | Dykstra | Dziurda | Egede | Elmsheuser | Elvira | Eulisse | Filipcic | Flix | Fuess | Ganis | Gellrich | Genser | George | Gheata | Giacomini | Giagu | Giffels | Girone | Glushkov | Gohn | Caballero | Govi | Grasland | Grilló | Gyurjyan | Hanushevsky | Hariri | Harvey | Hegner | Heinemann | Heiss | Hernández | Hildreth | Hoeche | Holzman | Iven | Jashal | Jayatilaka | Jones | Jouvin | Kane | Karavakis | Katz | Kcira | Keeble | Kersevan | Kirby | Klimentov | Koppenburg | Kowalkowski | Kreczko | Kuhr | Kutschke | Lancon | Lange | Lassnig | Letts | Lewendel | Lima | Linacre | Presti | Lopienski | Magini | Marshall | Martelli | Mazumdar | McCauley | McFayden | Mehdiyev | Meinhard | Menasce | Michelotto | Moneta | Morgan | Moyse | Murray | Nairz | Norman | Novak | Oyanguren | Ozturk | Pansanel | Pascuzzi | Pearson | Pedro | Yzquierdo | Perrozzi | Petersen | Petrić | Piedra | Piilonen | Piparo | Pivarski | Pokorski | F. Polci | Potamianos | Psihas | Reuter | Ribon | Rinaldi | Polci | Bračko | Roeck | Dykstra | Gaede | Presti | Novak

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