Stress Classification and Fatigue Life Assessment of Modular Component with Asymmetric Perforated Parts

In the ASME Code Section III ‘design by analysis’ approach, stresses are determined by numerical method and compared with corresponding stress limits. This approach provides several stress criteria for fatigue life assessment and procedures for categorizing the representative stress components. Since the stress criteria were derived from two-dimensional basis, however, it may inappropriate to delineate structural components with complex geometry. In this paper, detailed transient analyses are performed for modular pressurizer with an asymmetric geometry, which includes perforated parts to mount various piping and equipments. Also, the applicability of an effective elastic modulus to consider the perforation and the appropriateness of stress linearization method using stress classification line are assessed. Then, the cumulative usage factor as well as stress intensities at critical locations of the pressurizer are calculated and compared with corresponding allowable design stress limits. The key findings of this work can be used to make regulatory guides for evaluation and confirmation of structural intensity of components with asymmetric perforated parts.