Stabilized Ion Cr5+ Paramagnetic Resonance in Potassium Dichromate Single Crystals

Potassium dichromate single crystals were synthesized from aqueous solution by isothermal evaporation of the solvent. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were studied from Cr5+ ions, stabilized by 60 min heating of X-irradiated crystals at 120°C. EPR spectrum was observed which consists of a strong central line and four almost equidistant satellites with intensities as weak as 2% from that of the central one. The received EPR spectrum may be described within the experimental errors by the anisotropic spin Hamiltonian, the constants at 77°K being: g∥ = 1.982 ± 0.001, g⊥ = 1.925 ± 0.001, A⊥ = 10.2 ± 0.4 G and A⊥ = 4.0 ± 0.4 G. [Russian Text Ignored].