Elements of Seismic Dispersion: A Somewhat Practical Guide to Frequency-dependent Phenomena
Elements of Seismic Dispersion: A Somewhat Practical Guide to Frequency-dependent Phenomena (SEG Distinguished Instructor Series No. 15) covers selected effects encountered in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of reflectionseismic data. The material, based on the 2012 SEG Distinguished Instructor Short Course, shows how those phenomena arise, how they can be characterized, and the important information they contain. The text shows how spectral decomposition and time-frequency methods have led to improved understanding and use of nonlinear harmonics, near-surface guided waves, layer-induced anisotropy, velocity dispersion and attenuation, interference, and Biot reflection. Accessible discussion is augmented by examples, figures, and references to primary literature for further study. This book will interest technical managers and those who work in acquisition, processing, and interpretation of seismic data. (DISC on DVD, 761A, is also available.)