A Low-Power Multi Resolution Spectrum Sensing (MRSS) Architecture for a Wireless Sensor Network with Cognitive Radio

Concomitantly with the progress of wireless communications, cognitive radio has attracted attention as a solution for depleted frequency bands. Cognitive radio is suitable for wireless sensor networks because it reduces collisions and thereby achieves energy-efficient communication. To make cognitive radio practical, we propose a low-power multi-resolution spectrum sensing (MRSS) architecture that has flexibility in sensing frequency bands. The conventional MRSS scheme consumes much power and can be adapted only slightly to process scaling because it comprises analog circuits. In contrast, the proposed architecture carries out signal processing in a digital domain and can detect occupied frequency bands at multiple resolutions and with low power. Our digital MRSS module can be implemented in 180-nm and 65-nm CMOS processes using Verilog-HDL. We confirmed that the processes respectively dissipate 9.97 mW and 3.45 mW.