Integrative Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome by the modENCODE Project

From Genome to Regulatory Networks For biologists, having a genome in hand is only the beginning—much more investigation is still needed to characterize how the genome is used to help to produce a functional organism (see the Perspective by Blaxter). In this vein, Gerstein et al. (p. 1775) summarize for the Caenorhabditis elegans genome, and The modENCODE Consortium (p. 1787) summarize for the Drosophila melanogaster genome, full transcriptome analyses over developmental stages, genome-wide identification of transcription factor binding sites, and high-resolution maps of chromatin organization. Both studies identified regions of the nematode and fly genomes that show highly occupied targets (or HOT) regions where DNA was bound by more than 15 of the transcription factors analyzed and the expression of related genes were characterized. Overall, the studies provide insights into the organization, structure, and function of the two genomes and provide basic information needed to guide and correlate both focused and genome-wide studies. Extensive analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome reveals regions highly occupied by multiple transcription factors. We systematically generated large-scale data sets to improve genome annotation for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a key model organism. These data sets include transcriptome profiling across a developmental time course, genome-wide identification of transcription factor–binding sites, and maps of chromatin organization. From this, we created more complete and accurate gene models, including alternative splice forms and candidate noncoding RNAs. We constructed hierarchical networks of transcription factor–binding and microRNA interactions and discovered chromosomal locations bound by an unusually large number of transcription factors. Different patterns of chromatin composition and histone modification were revealed between chromosome arms and centers, with similarly prominent differences between autosomes and the X chromosome. Integrating data types, we built statistical models relating chromatin, transcription factor binding, and gene expression. Overall, our analyses ascribed putative functions to most of the conserved genome.

Raymond K. Auerbach | Kevin Y. Yip | Stefan R. Henz | Gennifer E. Merrihew | Bradley I. Arshinoff | Sebastian D. Mackowiak | P. Green | M. Gerstein | S. Lewis | S. Henikoff | J. Henikoff | L. Stein | F. Slack | A. Rechtsteiner | L. Hillier | R. Waterston | G. Zeller | Gunnar Rätsch | F. Piano | K. Gunsalus | V. Reinke | Stuart K. Kim | M. Mangone | J. Ahringer | E. Segal | M. MacCoss | Z. Lu | P. Good | M. Guyer | M. Snyder | Ekta Khurana | Jing Leng | H. Clawson | A. Hinrichs | E. Preston | J. Murray | N. Rajewsky | J. Lieb | J. Rozowsky | E. Feingold | G. Euskirchen | G. Barber | Tao Liu | X. Liu | S. Ooi | A. Sboner | Xin Feng | E. Lai | John K. Kim | Kim M Rutherford | R. Lyne | C. Shou | B. Ewing | Koon-Kiu Yan | Chao Cheng | Roger Alexander | P. Alves | Thea A. Egelhofer | A. Vielle | I. Latorre | Ming-Sin Cheung | Sevinç Ercan | Kohta Ikegami | M. Jensen | P. Kolasinska-Zwierz | H. Rosenbaum | Hyunjin Shin | S. Taing | T. Takasaki | A. Desai | A. Dernburg | S. Strome | M. Perry | L. Habegger | R. Lowdon | L. Lochovsky | Eric L. Van Nostrand | R. Robilotto | A. Chateigner | M. Morris | W. Niu | K. Rhrissorrakrai | A. Agarwal | Cathleen Brdlik | J. Brennan | J. Brouillet | Adrian Carr | S. Contrino | Luke O Dannenberg | L. Dick | A. Dosé | Jiang Du | R. Gassmann | F. Gullier | M. Gutwein | T. Han | H. Holster | T. Hyman | A. Iniguez | J. Janette | Masaomi Kato | W. Kent | E. Kephart | Vishal Khivansara | A. Leahey | P. Lloyd | Yaniv Lubling | S. McKay | D. Mecenas | Gennifer E Merrihew | David M. Miller | A. Muroyama | Hoang N. Pham | T. Phippen | P. Ruzanov | M. Sarov | R. Sasidharan | P. Scheid | C. Slightam | Richard Smith | W. C. Spencer | E. Stinson | D. Vafeados | K. Voronina | Guilin Wang | N. Washington | Christina M. Whittle | Beijing Wu | Z. Zha | Mei Zhong | Xingliang Zhou | G. Micklem | Roger P. Alexander | Heidi Rosenbaum | Ting Han | Rajkumar Sasidharan | A. Dosé | X. Liu | Marco Mangone | X. Liu | S. Lewis | Kevin Y. Yip | Kahn Rhrissorrakrai

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