The personnel development system as a negotiation support system

The paper explains the fuzzy expert system on personnel development (FESPD) which the authors have designed and developed. The attempt is pioneering, focusing on qualitative analysis of how the system can be utilized as a negotiation support system, what benefits may accrue, and what future potential it may possess. The three aims of the FESPD are: (a) to best analyze individual needs in light of organizational objectives; (b) to facilitate personnel management in consultations with each employee (employer's side); and (c) to provide the individual with the most desirable solution for the purpose of full discussion and negotiation (individual's side). Several significant features of the FESPD are illustrated. Among these are: (a) the tetra-structure that encompasses transitions in the nature of work, working place, working position, and combinations thereof; (b) the fuzziness expressed by modal logic, as well as dual modal logic, and (c) the development of semantic nets which can better analyze the situations of relocation, promotion, and demotion. The whole structure is revealed, including the components, their relations, the number of rules of the system, and two situations where the FESPD could be utilized as a negotiation support system are introduced from both an individual's and a firm's viewpoints. Future directions of the FESPD to improve the negotiation support system are suggested on the basis of factors such as performance evaluation, training, and education, as well as relocation before and after retirement.<<ETX>>