Testing traversable stacks
[Kaput] Do Kapur. Specifications of Majster's Traversable Stack and Veloso's Traversable Stack. SIGPLAN Notices 14, 5, (May 1979), pp. 46-53° [~4ajster] MoEo .~lajster° Limits of the "Algebraic" Specification of Abstract Data Types. SIGP/AN Notices 12, 10t (October 1977), pp. 37-42 ° M°Eo Majster° Letter to the Editor, SIGPLAN Notices 13, I, (January 1978), pp® 8-10. M,E, Ma]ster, Letter to the Editor° SIGPLAN Notices 13, 4, (April ~,978) pp, 22-23, [Veloso] PoA,S° Veloso° Traversable Stack with Fewer Errors, SIGPLAN Notices 14, 2, (February 1979), pp, 55-59,
[1] Paulo A. S. Veloso,et al. Traversable stack with fewer errors , 1979, SIGP.
[2] Mark A. Ardis,et al. Testing Data Abstractions through Their Implementations. , 1979 .
[3] David Gries,et al. ACM SIGPLAN history of programming languages conference ALGOL 60 language summary , 1978, SIGP.
[4] Deepak Kapur,et al. Specifications of Majster's traversable stack and Veloso's traversable stack , 1979, SIGP.