Effect of Type of Feeder, Feeder Space, and Bird Density Under Intermittent Lighting Regimens with Broilers

Abstract Three 49-day broiler experiments were carried out to study the relationship of intermittent light (1/3 hr L:1-2/3 hr D, recycled), feeder space requirements, types of feeders, and bird density on broiler performance. In Experiment 1, performance was comparable between broilers exposed to continuous (CL) and intermittent lighting (IL) if the hanging tube feeder space allowance per bird with IL exceeded 1 cm. In Experiment 2, broiler performance was not significantly affected by trough or hanging tube type feeders with CL or IL with feeder space allowance ranging from 2, 2.54, and 2.74 cm per bird. In Experiment 3, mean male and combined sex body weights and feed conversion were comparable between broilers provided IL, .056 m2 of floor space, and feeder space of either 2.54 or 5.08 cm and broilers provided .093 m2 of floor space, 2.54 cm feeder space, and with either IL or CL. Mean female body weights and mean feed consumption per broiler for the IL, .056 m2 of floor space, 2.54 cm feeder space group were significantly depressed when compared to broilers provided either CL or IL, .093 m2 of floor space, and 2.54 cm feeder space. Increasing the feeder space from 2.54 to 5.08 cm with IL and .056 m2 of floor space seems to correct the growth depressing effect.