Modeling Multi Operator-Multi-UAV (MOMU) Operator Attention Allocation Problem

This paper addresses the operator-task attention allocation problem in multiple operators managing multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (MOMU) setting. Previous works related to UAV operator-task attention allocation are mainly focused on single operator single UAV (SOSU) or single operator multiple UAVs (SOMU) models with emphasis on reward maximization only. Present research addresses two important issues viz. multi-operator paradigm, and workload imbalance in MOMU task attention allocation problem. Assigning multiple operators to multiple UAVs can improve the flexibility of human-system decision making. This added flexibility comes at a cost of added modeling complexity. Specifically, we consider important issue of operator workload imbalance in a team setting. We model workload imbalance in MOMU setting and through computational simulations show a balance between reward maximization and operators’ workload minimization is possible.© 2013 ASME